Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sad Sad Sad Day..

Today is my Sad Sad Sad Day.. Usually it's jst sad day when i got scold fr coming home late, sad sad when having bad result.. but this is sad sad sad day..
seriously i mean it..
I was lazy and reckless and too confident about myself..
I thought tht i'm like those auties tht will be super carefull and wont forget things and will be like super aware of things around me.. BUT.. today i have to eat my words up..
I think i cant give money to my mom fr nxt month d since i'm quiting and such things happened at this moment... stupid me fr not being a super aunty to save up money.. i think i have to work longer than i suppose have to.. since i dont think i'll get into local uni..haiz..T___T
I really felt like slapping myself why for the first time i leave my phone alone on the desk?
Everytime i break , talk to ppl, go toilet *small business or big business* i also will bring along.. i can even leave my purse on the table.. but why???!!! T_________________________T
why wan take my beloved away frm me?! Felt like cursing..
now i really knw how the feeling is when you have your phone lost to a theif..
felt like stabbing him 50x in the hand!! F@#*!!!
100x on the brain.. and slapping 150x on the face..=.= zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Just lost a 1k phone tht jst used less than 2 months and i really do feel the pain..
really do.. this is like a super exp lesson to learn..*sobs*
May the theif becarefull in the future as there will be times you'll pay fr it..
fr stealing my beloved phone tht i clean and polish every nite and keep it warm and smooth..
and jst bought a new screen guard and top up $50 fr the first time and having all my contacts fr my friends and relatives and neighbours and aunties and ex-colleagues and co-colleagues and scandals and dog's name..=.=
steal my phone and my mom's gift fr me frm Japan..
YOU BETTER FEEL GUILTY!! you heartless ppl..=.=
I'm staring at you!!!
in your nitemare's i'll appear..

Sunday, May 9, 2010

FrusTy Frust..

~Happy Mother's Day~

I would like to dedicate this post to all mom in the world..
I bet everyone thinks tht they mom is the best.. **ofcourse la...**=.=

Well, since i'm old enough - nxt year gonna be 21 d -
The position when i'm talking to my mom no longer about school or tuition..
Now the topics has changed..might be it has changed long ago but recently i jst noticed..
When talking to my mom, i notice she tried to do so many things fr me..

When i am actually off today and wen out with her..She told me wht happen this few months when i was not at home with her..
She told me she have cleaned by clothes and sew it..
She told me she had been preparing food fr me but i always come back home late..
haiz..felt so guilty..
and now oly i notice i'm not home most of the times..practically everyday when i started to work.. i was busy doing ot till i frgt tht she is waiting at home..SORRY MOMMY..>.<

The part when i was shocked when i wen out with her today was she told me a lot of new things and i say i dont even knw about it was " you're always not at home and i'm always alone"

Then a girl came towards her and there's only a few flowers in the basket speacially fr MOther's Day.. My mom had one frm the girl but because the aunty stand beside my mom was looking at the flower my mom actually gave it to her.. I asked her why and she say she very happy got flower but she dont need it so she give to another aunty to let them be happy too..

SO, i thought of bringing her to eat all those exp food..but she wan something else.. she wan to pay fr it.. why do i have such mom? I FELT SUPER BLESSED TO HAVE YOU AS MY MOM!

I'll promise you, i'll be rich one day and i'll buy a house, a car, nice food, and make you stay with me and also a "maria maid" fr you! ^^

and dont laugh and say "see first har.."=.=

no pics fr today as the internet speed is super slow as in not moving..wth~

PeaCe OuT~!!